
Live Cell Biosensor Imaging

Pharmacology Faculty

Douglas Bayliss

Bayliss, Douglas A.

Mechanisms of neuromodulation in central neurons

Bimal Desai

Desai, Bimal N.

Ion channels and Ca2+-signaling in inflammation, immunity and tissue homeostasis

Nick Guagliardo

Guagliardo, Nick

Modulation of aldosterone production in health and disease.

Other PSTG Faculty

Seham Ebrahim

Ebrahim, Seham

Cytoskeletal architecture, dynamics and roles in cellular physiology and disease; High-resolution live cell and tissue imaging

Bettina Winckler

Winckler, Bettina

Endosomal function and dysfunction in neurons. Development of the nervous system: cytoskeleton and membrane traffic in axon and dendrite growth.